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Bump in the Road

Hey Y'all! It's been a little while since I've written a post, so I wanted to give everyone a health update. As you may remember a couple weeks ago I was in the hospital due to an infection caused by a dangerous drop in my white blood cells. I was given a shot to boost the production of those cells and thankfully my body responded extremely well! However, recently I had my bloodwork done again and unfortunately my neutrophils and white blood cells have depleted. They are approaching a dangerously low level again. This means I have had to take extra precautions when going out and have tried to stay in as much as possible. This also means that my infusion has been postponed indefinitely. My doctor can not give me another infusion before she knows what is causing this depletion of my white blood cells. It is very frustrating as we thought the combination of the target therapy and infusion would take care of my health issues. This feels like a bump in the road, but I know that God will handle it. The doctors suspect that my decrease in neutrophils and white blood cells is due to my last infusion of Keytruda (immunotherapy), or a reaction caused by the combination of target therapy and immunotherapy. We ask for prayers that the doctors can figure out what is causing my low counts and find a good solution. We also ask for prayers that the doctors can find a good treatment option that can be carried out long-term and allow me to go back to school in person next semester.

On another note, aside from having low white bloods cell counts, I have been feeling great! I have been full of energy and feeling relatively normal. Last week I was even able to shoot around with my siblings in the driveway for the first time in months! This was a HUGE accomplishment as basketball has been my passion for so long and I was really missing it.

I am so grateful for everyone's prayers throughout my journey with cancer. God is so good and he has been with me every step of the way through this!

Specific Prayer Requests:

-That the doctors will figure out what is causing my neutrophils and white blood cells to drop.

-That my doctors will find a good solution to maintaining my white blood cell count.

-That the doctors will find a long-term treatment for me that will not conflict with my body and will allow me to go back to school.

-That I will be able to complete my school work in the upcoming weeks.

-That the current treatment that I am on will attack every single cancer cell in my body.

-That the BRAF gene will return to normal.

-That I remain full of energy.

-That my family and I are surrounded by the peace of God.

Here's me ballin' out in my driveway! :)


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