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Scan Update 6/20/23

Hey Y'all! For those of you who may not know I had scans a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately the scans did not show us exactly what we were hoping for. The results of my scans showed that the mass under my armpit (AKA the original tumor that began everything) has increased in size currently measuring

5.2 x 3.2 cm compared to 3 months ago where it measured 4.4 x 3.0 cm. This news is concerning as we do not know what is causing the increase in the mass. The doctor explained it could either be necrotic tissue causing the increase in the mass or cancer. The good news is that the rest of my body is free from tumors at the moment. PRAISE GOD! So, this puts me in a unique position as my doctor has decided I am good candidate for surgery since I am free from all other tumors besides the one in the left armpit. This is encouraging as I have wanted to have surgery on this tumor from the very beginning of my cancer journey but have constantly been denied of that option until now.

So I spoke with a surgeon last Thursday and he explained that he thinks he can do the surgery to take out the tumor. However, the surgeon explained that the surgery could be difficult and could possibly involve arteries and or nerves which can complicate things. Therefore, the surgeon ordered a more detailed scan to get a better idea of what a possible surgery would entail. In the meantime, my oncologist is going to brainstorm and see if she can come up with another solution to for the increasing tumor that does not involve surgery. After both plans are presented to me I will then decide if I want to follow through with the surgery or choose a different option.

So, these next few weeks will be hectic as I will be navigating all my options and trying to decide which option is best for my health. So I ask for prayers that my family and I will make the right decision and that we will be at peace with our choice. As far as my current treatment plan of immunotherapy and targeted therapy pills, I plan to stay on the same regimen. I received my most recent infusion last Thursday. My parents and boyfriend, Marcus accompanied me and thankfully everything went well. Thank you again for your support and thoughts and prayers during this time.

Specific Prayer Requests:

  • That the scans of my tumor will show that surgery will not be too invasive.

  • That the surgeon will be able to devise a plan for removing the tumor that will not involve too many risks.

  • That my oncologist will be able to provide a good solution to the situation.

  • That my family and I have wisdom and peace when deciding on how to proceed with treatment.

  • That I will be able to remain on the targeted therapy pills for a very long time.

  • That I will become NED (No Evidence of Disease).

  • That my my family and I will be filled with the peace of God during this time.


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